The Hauntings of the Kappa Alpha Theta House


The Hauntings of the Kappa Alpha Theta House


Centre College (Danville, Ky. : 1918- )—Anecdotes
Centre College (Danville, Ky. : 1918- )—Buildings
Centre College (Danville, Ky. : 1918- )—History
Centre College (Danville, Ky. : 1918- )—Students
Haunted places—Kentucky—Danville
Haunted universities and colleges—Kentucky—Danville


An oral history of the paranormal activity in the Kappa Alpha Theta House on West Walnut Street at the Centre College campus.


Hunt, Naomi




Haering, Katy


All Rights Reserved






Oral history (literary work)


Haering, Katy


Hunt, Naomi


Kappa Alpha Theta House, Centre College, Danville, KY


Katy Haering 0:02
My name is Katy Haering and today I am interviewing Naomi Hunt who lives on Centre's campus. I am here with Naomi Hunt and myself. Today is January 17 2021. We are recording this interview via zoom in our respective homes. And today we will be discussing Naomi Hunt's experiences during her time on campus. So without further ado, Naomi, if you just want to kind of introduce yourself and tell me a little bit about your time at Centre.

Naomi Hunt 0:35
Sure, okay. Hi, I'm Naomi. Like she said, I'm a senior, double majoring in History and Spanish at Centre and I have lived in old quad; I lived in Stevenson freshman year along with Katy and sophomore year I lived in the Theta house and for half of junior year I lived in Northside which is the new building and then the other half I was abroad and we got kicked out. And now senior year I live in Brock 28 with Katy as well she’s my roommate [Laughter]. But, yeah, so we had a lot of things go on sophomore year. So I am a Theta. And so we have this recruitment event, where Dr. Egge usually comes and tells scary ghost stories about Centre's campus, which is always really fun, and super spooky. So this was the first time we had kind of heard those stories on the other side of recruitment. So my roommate and I--Skylar--we both lived in the Theta house and we went to the recruitment event together, and we heard all these stories and they were all really scary, about mainly freshmen dorm rooms or dorm halls. So like Yerkes and that kind of deal. So Dr. Egge starts telling this other story, and it's about a Theta. And she's babysitting one of the professor's children in the Theta house. And the child gets kind of sleepy. And the Theta is like, Oh, I can take you upstairs. You can just sleep in my bed until your dad comes and picks you up. So she does that. And the child's like, I can't really fall asleep. Can I like play games on your phone? And so the Theta is like, yeah, sure, like, yeah, totally. And she hands over the phone and the kid finally falls asleep. And the Theta goes back downstairs and starts watching TV. And she's like, Oh, crap, I forgot my phone upstairs. So she goes back upstairs and grabs her phone, and then comes back downstairs to continue watching TV, and she looks at her phone and she notices like the camera roll is pulled up. And she starts like scrolling through and she finds pictures of the child sleeping in her bed. So from a different perspective. [Laughter] So, okay, so my roommate and I are hearing this story and you're like, Oh, God, like, that's terrifying. That's so bad. And, you know, all the Thetas are like, Oh, my God, you know, I'm really freaking out. And so and of course, Dr. Egge tells it in a much better way. So we kind of hear the story and we're like, Okay, great. We have to go back to the Theta house tonight and sleep. So I actually go to the Tri Delta house first and I think I talked, I ended up talking to you and Mary Grace and I was like, this is like two much, I can't go back. And there was another Theta from the class above me at the house at the Tri Delta house for some reason. And she opened up her like her snapchat group chat, like with all the Theta juniors at that time and it's a video from outside of the Theta house. And you can see just the lights in Skylar and I's room, like going off and on, not just like flickering, like fully like off and like fully on, kind of just over and over again and from outside the house. That's our room. Great. [Laughter] And of course, it doesn't stop. And so I call Skylar, and I'm like, don't go back, don't go back like it's real, whatever, you know, and we're just freaking out. And we finally get our friend Kate to call DPS and have them change the light out. And for the rest of the year, it wasn't like a warm light anymore. It was kind of like a fluorescent light. We ended up never turning it on again, because we're like, we're not dealing with that.

Katy Haering 4:30

Naomi Hunt 4:32
So that was just weird, especially after we had, you know, learned about the story. And we kind of asked Dr. Egge we were like, what room is it? And she was like, well, when you go up the stairs, the one on the right, like one of the one straight back and on the right. We're like great. That's our room. So, we were, yeah, we were really upset and scared. And I ended up calling my grandbig because she lived in the same room. And I was like, Can you give me some advice? She was like, yeah, just don't turn on the lights. Like just it'll be fine. Like I lived there for a whole year. And we're like, Okay, great. So, yeah, that happened. We also noticed our neighbors, who were two women on the soccer team. Whenever they we knew that they were at practice, because they would practice you know, for a long time, after four, like three, three hours or so. And we knew that they were gone. But I think we remember, because our closets are like, connected...

Katy Haering 5:28
Like backed up to each other.

Naomi Hunt 5:29
Back to back. Yeah, back to back. And so we just remember, like, we knew that they were gone, but we could hear them like opening their drawers. And like, we always heard that. And I remember mentioning it to them towards the end of the year. And they were like, yeah, we noticed that too. And so it wasn't just, it wasn't just our thing. So yeah, I think the Theta house is pretty haunted. I don't know why. I don't know why it would be haunted. It's a relatively new building. I think it was built like the eighties or something, but maybe it's built on top or something. Who knows?

Katy Haering 6:00

Naomi Hunt 6:02
So yeah.

Katy Haering 6:02
You mentioned that your grand big, you had talked to her about it. So obviously, she knew a little bit about the story. Is it a thing that you all talk about? Like, in years past that this is just a thing that you all are kind of used to at this point? Like, tell me a little more.

Naomi Hunt 6:19
Yeah, I think so. I think it was one of those things where because previously it was Dr. Dove who told the story at the recruitment event. So the recruitment event has been going on for a ton of years. So that story has kind of been told and told again. And then obviously, it was told so Egge could re-tell it. So yeah, I guess it was just kind of, it's kind of weird, because it's not like one of those things that we talked about all the time. It was more of it like comes up once a year. We know like we all everybody freaks out, and then it kind of just died down again. And so I don't really know why that is. But yeah, it is really interesting, because everybody knew what I was talking about when I was trying to get information out of them. ( ) Apparently, Dr. Dove like has pictures and has the pictures to prove it, you know, or whatever it was so yeah, I don't know it is it is really spooky, though. Real pretty scared.

Katy Haering 7:12
So were you able to stay in the room for the rest of the year? Did you feel comfortable? Did you ever feel the spirit? So to say?

Naomi Hunt 7:24
Honestly, towards the end of the year, Skylar and I weren't there that much. We were just busier, I guess in the spring. And so I guess we didn't really get to have that many more experiences. But yeah, we were, yeah, we were really scared. But yeah, it was--it was kind of spooky. Yeah, we didn't really have any other. Yeah, I guess. [laughing]

Katy Haering 7:50
Did you ever, like feel uncomfortable in there by yourself? Or did you always want to have Skylar there with you?

Naomi Hunt 7:57
Yeah, sometimes I would call her and be like, hey, where are you it's getting [laughing] pretty late, like, just making sure you're okay. But it was also like a household, other girls, you know, so that I could always, you know, go downstairs or whatever, if I was ever feeling uncomfortable. But it never got to the point where I couldn't sleep or like, I would wake up in the middle of the night or whatever it was. I always got a... I guess it was just a nice ghost, you know, just kind of like they make some racket sometimes.

Katy Haering 8:27
It's interesting, though, that it was so localized just to your all's room and then the closet to the other room, and it wasn't anywhere else in the house.

Naomi Hunt 8:34
No, right? I do. I actually do, I think this was more of a maintenance thing. But I remember like the bathroom door falling off like while somebody was in the stall. I do remember that happening but I don't know--I don't know if that was, you know, ghost related, or just maybe the door was old. I don't really and it never, we actually never put it back on. [Laughter] It just stayed off for the rest of the year. I'm pretty sure until they fixed it in the summer. But that was also something weird, like, coincidentally that it had fallen off when somebody was in the stall, which was funny, but...

Katy Haering 9:12
Wow. That's kinda crazy.

Naomi Hunt 9:15
Yeah, I just kinda remembered that. That's funny. [Laughter]

Katy Haering 9:19
Okay, so tell me a little bit more about how these experiences--because you said you were a sophomore when this happened--have you been more hyper-aware of other things that have happened as you continue through your college experience?

Naomi Hunt 9:33
Definitely. I mean, definitely. Yeah. It's just one of those things where it's like, Yeah, I did live in a place that was probably haunted. I'm sure somebody else is going to tell the story, but every time I hear a new story about ghosts at Centre, I'm like, yeah, that's definitely true. Like there's no, I'm not hesitant to be like, Yeah, well, maybe not. Especially just what I've kind of learned about the history of the school and like, you know, its position in the Civil War and that kind of thing. So yeah, it's definitely, definitely possible. And I've always been pretty hyper-aware of it. [Interruption] [Laughter] But yeah, it's definitely kind of affected... yeah, go ahead.

Katy Haering 10:18
Right. So has like yourself, have you, like noticed anything about yourself that's different now that you've had this supernatural activity happen? Like, did you before maybe were more skeptical about it? Just kind of elaborate more on that.

Naomi Hunt 10:35
Yeah. So I never, I always was really into, like, Ghost Hunters, or whatever that show was, I don't know [Laughter], I watched it a lot, probably too much when I was little. So I always kind of like been interested in that kind of stuff. And definitely, like scary stories as it pertains to like, historical events and that kind of thing. I always like my first question when I ask, especially adults, it's like, what's the scariest thing that's ever happened to you? I don't know if that's like weird.

Katy Haering 11:03

Naomi Hunt 11:03
But yeah [Laughing], because it's always a good story. Sometimes it does have to do with ghosts, or sometimes it can just be some kind of scary other scary experience. But yeah, other than that, I really haven't had any, you know, crazy stories or things that have happened to me, like my parents have told me scary stories that have happened in their apartments or whatever it was during college. ( ) But yeah, prior to that, I really didn't have any other experiences with ghosts. But I'm kind of, I mean, it wasn't a mean ghost. So I'm not really... I'm not that upset about it. And it's kind of cool, though, to have that experience.

Katy Haering 11:42
Interesting. So one of the topics that we've kind of been focusing on in classes, I'm kind of like the act of discovery and believing in things. So do you feel yourself like wanting to discover more, kind of, now that you've had these experiences? Or how different are you now?

Naomi Hunt 12:01
Um, yeah, I would kind of say, I'm definitely open to it. I feel like it hasn't, like, it wasn't one of those experiences that scared me so much that I never want to, like, deal with anything like that ever again.

Katy Haering 12:13

Naomi Hunt 12:14
I am definitely, yeah, it is kind of weird. I don't find myself like searching for it, if that makes sense. But yeah, I'm definitely open to that kind of... okay, not open as in like, go spend the night in like a cemetery. [Laughter] I'm not going to do that. But like, you know, kind of or spend the night in wherever like a scary building. No, but I'm not going to put myself in that situation. But if it comes up, then I would, I would just love to, like, learn more about why, you know, I think is the cool part. Like, why somewhere is haunted or like spiritual or something. I don't know.

Katy Haering 12:53
So did you ever find out the why in the Theta house of the spirit, like what ever happened?

Naomi Hunt 13:01
No, I feel like, honestly, I feel like Dr. Egge might have that answer. Because I feel like there was also something with a doll that I've forgotten that detail or something. And like an old woman, I don't really know that detail. But there has to be a reason like I do believe that there's a reason and that it wasn't just coincidence--there's no way that was a coincidence that our lights were flickering on and off. After we had just heard the story about this. There's no way.

Katy Haering 13:28
( ) It wasn't a coincidence.

Naomi Hunt 13:30
No yeah, it wasn't a coincidence. There's no way. But yeah... no, I don't know why. It is really interesting.

Katy Haering 13:38
So now that you've had this experience on campus, do you think Centre's haunted? Or do you think it's just a strange place in general?

Naomi Hunt 13:49
Um, I feel like based on my--based on only my experience, I wouldn't call the whole campus haunted, but based on other people's stories that I've heard, yes, definitely. Like the Breck ghost, and all the stuff in Sutcliffe as well, I just feel like there's--old Sutcliffe is creepy anyway. I've had to walk around there a couple times. But, um, no, there's, yeah, I really, I think the buildings are haunted. I wouldn't say that the campus is haunted.

Katy Haering 14:21
Right. Okay, and then I think I have one more question for you.

Naomi Hunt 14:26

Katy Haering 14:26
So do you think people are more likely to believe in this sort of stuff only if it happens to them? Or do you think that if they go through the archives in the library, like where this interview is going, do you think that just hearing about them and the firsthand experiences that they can take away that these things actually happened or does it has to happen to a specific person?

Naomi Hunt 14:51
I feel like it honestly depends on the type of person. I know it's kind of a lame answer, but I feel like hearing--you can hear those stories as much as you want, and maybe half believe them. But I feel like until it happens to you, it's kind of hard.

Katy Haering 15:09
No that's fair.

Naomi Hunt 15:10
And I also think it depends on who's telling the story. Because I mean, it's like a professor who has been there for fifteen years versus a student who's only been there for four. I feel like that also makes a difference. But I promise it happened to me.

Katy Haering 15:24
( ) You have name dropped some professors. So maybe they backed up their sources now and go to those professors and see if it actually happened.

Naomi Hunt 15:36
Right, exactly. Right. Yes, I do have--yes. Got some, got some sources.

Katy Haering 15:41
All right. Well, thank you, Naomi, for taking the time to do this interview with me today. I think there's some great information here. And I hope you have a great day.

Naomi Hunt 15:50
Okay, thank you. You too. I'll see you soon.

Katy Haering 15:52


Original Format





Hunt, Naomi, “The Hauntings of the Kappa Alpha Theta House,” Ghosts at Centre College, accessed May 17, 2024,

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